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Specialist PPC Expert

Certified PPC Expert

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We are PPC experts who have assisted thousands of people with their Google ads throughout the UK.

With specialists based across the country, we can offer competitive prices and in October 2024 are able to get costs to you very quickly.

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We are a certified pay-per-click (PPC) marketing business, providing PPC services and other content marketing benefits to business owners that are looking to expand their reach and into the UK as a whole.

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Why Choose Us?

Our PPC experts are prepared to help you develop the perfect PPC campaign for the job, tackling your online advertising needs directly and with a full, structured plan to work from.

Even with a certified PPC expert, organising your marketing can seem incredibly complicated at first.

PPC management is still just as important in October 2024 as it was half a decade ago, and a good PPC campaign is more than just an internet advertising tool – it is sometimes the main way for online businesses to gather customers.

Whatever your business is looking for in terms of your digital marketing presence, some of the best practices involved when it comes to PPC campaigns are not immediately obvious.

A lot of the time, PPC specialists are focused on very specific things relating to your marketing, and PPC does not work in quite the same way as other parts of the marketing industry.

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What is a PPC Expert?

A PPC expert is anybody who understands PPC advertising/pay-per-click advertising.

The results of PPC are similar to normal ad types since they can be unpredictable and are often based on trends: this means that understanding the core of PPC can matter a lot.

The more a PPC expert knows, the better they can tackle the needs of their client.

How Long Does it Take to Learn PPC?

PPC is a lot like other advertising types: you need to understand the feeling of how it works and get the hang of what you are being asked to create with limited materials or guidance.

Even using AdWords or other platforms like that, it can be tricky to understand where to begin, and you can’t always know the results of your work ahead of time. In fact, the results could end up being completely different.

Why Do I Need a Certified PPC Expert?

PPC is the practice of setting up paid search engine ads – the kind of ads that appear in the results you see on search engines, such as during a Google search.

This online advertising has been around for years, but it is not like buying a billboard.

Not only do you have to bid money to get higher ranks (which change where you appear in search results), but the quality and relevance of your ad can also change how often you will appear and how high up the search engine results you will appear.

Keyword Research

PPC has a heavy basis in keyword research. Choosing the right keywords to bid on can massively improve your digital presence, but using the wrong keywords or not bidding enough on key terms can make it very difficult to appear for relevant search engine users.

A major part of trying to form a search engine advertising campaign is piecing together the right keyword research and details, which PPC specialists are going to be excellent at.


A lot of PPC specialists will have a certification status with at least one form of PPC-related organisation, such as Google Skillshop. Having a certification is not just bragging rights – it is proof that the specialists have PPC skills and further training or education to match.

With Google Skillshop, for example, they have better training specifically focused around using Google Ads and AdWords, two tools that can be hard for complete newcomers to learn and understand.


A certification can also be a great sign of work experience, meaning that it is easier to tell if part of that PPC services team has worked with a certain platform (like Google AdWords) recently. The more familiar and up-to-date a professional is, the better they can serve your business.

A large part of all PPC is understanding the basics of how PPC works and applying it to each new situation.

While it shares a lot with other types of digital advertising, professional PPC experts need to be aware of how their changes will impact individual ads inside Google AdWords and what kind of limitations they might be working around. These are things that their clients won’t necessarily know if they try to do the work themselves.

Marketing Strategy Creation

Another major part of PPC campaigns is having a marketing strategy that you can follow, which is another thing that most businesses might struggle with on their own.

Marketers work in a field that is all about knowing how to handle content marketing, create effective ad copy, and tailor landing pages to individual niches.

Even the simplest part – lead generation, the act of getting people interested in your product – can be difficult to learn without any existing PPC experience.

Rules and Restrictions

PPC is not a lawless wasteland, and there are very specific ways that certain parts of the process operate. Even something as small as ad relevance or quality can completely throw off your expectations, and most PPC specialists are specifically trained to understand what can and can’t be done during PPC advertising projects.

Each platform also has specific restrictions: for example, Google generally bans the advertisement of fireworks completely.


Tools like Google Analytics are a key part of any PPC specialist responsibility, serving as the backbone of good PPC campaigns.

The whole marketing and content-creation angle are equally important, but there is no point in making marketing materials if you can’t see how well they are doing.

Most PPC services are also based on looking at the analytics of what they create and using it to refine the PPC campaign they are creating for you.


PPC advertising is not a once-and-done process.

Unlike video advertising, where you generally do not need to make more video advertising material unless the footage is outdated or there is some new product that you want to push harder on social media, a PPC campaign never really has time to sit still.

It is always changing, and a PPC specialist has to keep on top of the changing marketing world to make sure that their clients still get the improvements they asked for.


Even if your marketing goals are the same, the way that advertising changes and competitors refine their strategies means that you can never be certain that specific businesses will always have the grip they need on particular keywords.

It only takes one lucky PPC campaign from another business to shift things around, and in niche markets, every change can send ripples through the platform.

PPC Expert Costs

The costs for a PPC expert will vary depending on the clicks they bring to your website.

You can also determine the pay by the service of work they provide.

Typically, the paying rate for a PPC expert will be between 10% and 25% of an ad spend.

Should I hire a PPC employee?

Most of the time, it is best to get outside help when it comes to things like AdWords.

While it might seem cheaper to hire somebody, a lot of PPC work is based on observing trends and waiting for things to change, especially at the very start of the process where there is not much data to work from yet.

Hiring a new employee specifically for PPC, is a bad option for smaller businesses, at least until a good campaign is established.

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Hire PPC Specialist

If you are interested in getting professional pay-per-click/PPC assistance with your business’s digital marketing plan, then you will want to be sure that you are getting a PPC expert that can help you.

Like all digital marketing services, there is not a single best way to approach each problem, and the nature of your business can change the kind of support that you might need.

But how do you know if you are getting PPC specialists who are actually good at their job?

Aside from the things mentioned above, here are some other things that a good PPC specialist can bring to the table:

Local Niches

The market may have some very specific things that no other location really has, and the same can be said for the whole of the UK.

Whether it is unique slang or particular sensibilities that mostly stay contained to that one area of the UK, pay-per-click advertising is all about latching onto things that people will flock towards, then using it to try and direct them towards your product or service.

Targeting Local Audiences

Because of this, a PPC expert may be able to target these specific local concepts or keywords very well, especially if they happen to live in the area.

If you get the right PPC specialist team, then you can easily dominate a local space or get control over a unique phrase that might be used outside of that town.

This is perfect for smaller businesses that might only serve a local area anyway.


The certifications mentioned before are not just displays of work experience and training but are actually a good way to see what a particular PPC specialist knows.

For example, to get certified for Google AdWords through Skillshop, you have to pass Product Area Assessment tests, which means that any PPC specialist with that certification knows all the material related to it.

Platform-Specific Qualifications

The same can go for any certifications related to other platforms or search engines, such as Bing Ads or general digital marketing qualifications.

Entire PPC agencies can get certified, too, which usually means that they are a partner of the search engine they work with or otherwise have high expertise in a particular field.

We offer a number of great PPC services and are more than happy in assisting you on anything from price, to dimensions, to specification.

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Do I Need Pay Per Click Marketing?

If you are advertising on platforms like Google, then PPC marketing is essential.

Pay-per-click is the easiest way to get your business advertised online without needing to negotiate any specific placements with individual sites, meaning that it is also the most accessible choice of digital marketing for most people.

Not only is PPC a vital part of online marketing, but it applies to multiple platforms.

Most search engines support PPC services, and social media sites are starting to have a paid advertisement system as well. This means that there are plenty of different audiences out there that can only really be reached through pay-per-click ads, and an advertiser has to know where they want to focus their brand first.

What Does a PPC Specialist Do?

PPC services can be quite varied, and a PPC expert might have multiple different ways of handling your marketing. What can you expect from a PPC expert, and what kind of expertise might they have?

Content Marketing

Content takes a lot of time to write, and individuals that run small businesses can’t always afford to spend time writing it themselves.

In many cases, ads are not just two paragraphs of text: advertising and ad copy in Google Ads can have as many as thirty different strings of text that make up different parts of the ad, which are pieced together based on the current Google search to make it as fitting as possible.

Multiple Ads

Imagine if you run ten ads – that means that you need ten sets of ad copy, most of which also needs to be carefully crafted to contain the right keywords, managed with pivot tables, adjusted to fit specific word counts depending on the search engine or platform and otherwise improved to be as high-quality as possible.

Writing ad copy is hard and can eat up a lot of time, especially for display advertising (where images are also needed).

Return on Investment Management

One of the biggest things to consider when dealing with ads is the return on investment (ROI). This is how much money you get back for the money you are spending on ads: generally, you want advertising to directly lead to more money gained than you are spending, although there can be exceptions for specific businesses.


Advertising still connects up with normal financial information, and there are many cases where you will want an expert to try and keep track of how much you are making.

Many ads are also more about the perceived value than any actual value: you might not make back all of the money you spent, but if your ads are leading to more long-term clients or greater brand awareness, the value of the ad is technically still very high.

Altering Landing Pages

Landing pages are directly related to the way that your ads perform.

The landing page – where your customers go after clicking on one of your ads – can make or break most ads since platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads (as well as many others) are based around ad relevance as well as bid amounts.


This means that you need the landing page of an ad to be relevant, especially if the ad is specifically targeting certain results.

If somebody is looking up a particular model of car, for example, you do not want the ad to take them to something completely unrelated to cars in general since your ad will be considered much lower-quality.

Digital Marketing Training

A handful of PPC specialists are also willing to help a business understand digital marketing on its own, at least to a certain degree. This can involve things like helping them set up a Google AdWords account or providing them with insight into how Google ads operate, things that make their clients understand what kind of rules they are operating around. The same can be said for Bing Ads or any other major ad network/platform.

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Google Ads/Google AdWords Certification Help

Many people forget that AdWords certifications can also apply to client companies in specific cases, and training a few employees within the business can usually lead to them getting these certifications.

Sole Traders

Even for sole traders or solo businesses, a good understanding of platforms like AdWords is always helpful and makes it much easier for you to understand what the experts are suggesting when they offer solutions to your ad needs.

Benefits of Certified PPC Experts

There are many advantages that you can find when employing a PPC expert, here are some that you will experience:

What is AdWords?

Google AdWords, now mainly known as Google Ads, is the primary platform for running ads on Google platforms. Even without an official certificate, both expert-level marketers and low-level trainees use it to get great results.

Why Use Google Ads?

Google AdWords and the entire Google Ads system gives you access to a massive market share since Google receives around 50% of all internet search traffic at any given time. Combine this with the huge amount of experts that work with Google products, and there is a wealth of information out there to assist your business.

Is AdWords Good For My Business?

Aside from the handful of things that Google AdWords can’t support the promotion of, like fireworks or adult businesses, you can generally use AdWords to promote any kind of business through PPC campaigns.

This means that most PPC companies using Google AdWords have a huge mix of clients across different niches and business types.

Are Google AdWords Certifications Good?

The AdWords certifications may be among the most accessible in the business world, but that does not make them any less valuable.

Not only do they show off that somebody has PPC experience, but they make it clear that said person has AdWords experience, meaning that they understand the platform and know all of the specific limits or options available.

Freelance PPC Consultant Work

A smaller business may only need specific services on a small scale or only want freelance services at certain times.

Getting freelance help can be a great option for a small business to get proper PPC services without having to pay the same rates as professionals.

If you are looking for a group that can handle your PPC and get great results at a steady, reliable pace, then contact us and see what is on offer.

The results of any ad campaign can be hard to predict, but a good company with a solid, stable understanding of your chosen PPC platforms can make all the difference.

Find More Info

If you own a business that needs PPC work badly, then an expert PPC team can sometimes be the perfect group to provide the extra work, experience and training necessary to help you create your own small marketing team as well.

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great PPC services.

For more information on PPC services, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

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